
3rd Athens International Arbitration Forum



Η Διαμεσολάβηση
Διεθνής Εμπορική Διαιτησία Τόμος ΙΙ

The 3rd Athens International Arbitration Forum will examine the pervasive and often complex topic of mandatory rules in international arbitration.

Leading arbitration practitioners, international arbitrators and academics will offer an appraisal of the concept of mandatory rules, its modern relevance in international arbitration practice and its relationship with international and national public policy.

The Forum, which will be held physically with online streaming, will include a mixture of keynote presentations and interactive panel discussions.

Discussion Topics

I. Role and Importance of Mandatory Rules in International Arbitration

II. Relationship between mandatory rules and public policy

III. Scope and standards of review of mandatory rules and public policy by national courts

IV. Procedural mandatory rules and public policy

V. Roundtable discussion on "Due Process Paranoia"

Schedule is available at https://www.sakkoulas.gr/en/conferences/arbitration-2022/schedule/ 

Secure your place at https://www.sakkoulas.gr/en/conferences/arbitration-2022/register/

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