
Νόμος 3330/2005

Κύρωση της Συμφωνίας μεταξύ της Κυβέρνησης της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας και του Κράτους του Κουβέιτ για την αποφυγή της διπλής φορολογίας και την αποτροπή της φοροδιαφυγής αναφορικά με τους φόρους εισοδήματος και κεφαλαίου.



Συλλογικό Εργατικό Δίκαιο - 6η έκδοση
Πολιτική Δικονομία ΙΙΙ - Β έκδοση




Κύρωση της Συμφωνίας μεταξύ της Κυβέρνησης της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας και του Κράτους του Κουβέιτ για την αποφυγή της διπλής φορολογίας και την αποτροπή της φοροδιαφυγής αναφορικά με τους φόρους εισοδήματος και κεφαλαίου.


Εκδίδομε τον ακόλουθο νόμο που ψήφισε η Βουλή: Άρθρο πρώτο

Κυρώνεται και έχει την ισχύ, που ορίζει το άρθρο 28 παρ.

1 του Συντάγματος, η Συμφωνία μεταξύ της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας και του Κράτους του Κουβέιτ για την αποφυγή της διπλής φορολογίας και την αποτροπή της φοροδιαφυγής αναφορικά με τους φόρους εισοδήματος και κεφαλαίου, που υπογράφηκε στην Πόλη του Κουβέιτ στις

2 Μαρτίου 2003, το κείμενο της οποίας σε πρωτότυπο στην ελληνική και αγγλική γλώσσα έχει ως εξής:


Μεταξύ της Ελληνικής δημοκρατίας και του Κράτους του Κουβέιτ για την αποφυγή της διπλής φορολογίας και την αποτροπή της φοροδιαφυγής αναφορικά με τους φόρους εισοδήματος και κεφαλαίου

Η Κυβέρνηση της Ελληνικής δημοκρατίας και η Κυβέρνηση του Κράτους του Κουβέιτ

Επιθυμώντας να προωθήσουν τις αμοιβαίες οικονομικές σχέσεις μέσω της επίτευξης μιας Συμφωνίας για την αποφυγή της διπλής φορολογίας και την αποτροπή της φοροδιαφυγής αναφορικά με τους φόρους εισοδήματος και κεφαλαίου:

Συμφώνησαν τα ακόλουθα:


Αυτή η Σύμβαση παραμένει σε ισχύ για χρονική διάρκεια δέκα χρόνων και μπορεί να παραμείνει μέχρι να καταγγελθεί από το ένα Συμβαλλόμενο Κράτος. Καθένα από τα Συμβαλλόμενα Κράτη μπορεί να καταγγείλει τη Συμφωνία, μέσω διπλωματικής οδού, κοινοποιώντας αναγγελία της καταγγελίας έξι τουλάχιστον μήνες πριν από το τέλος οποιουδήποτε ημερολογιακού έτους. Σε αυτή τη περίπτωση, η Σύμβαση παύει να έχει εφαρμογή:

α) αναφορικά με φόρους που παρακρατούνται στη πηγή, για εισοδήματα που καταβλήθηκαν ή πιστώθηκαν κατά ή μετά την πρώτη ήμερα του Ιανουαρίου του ημερολογιακού έτους του επόμενου εκείνου στο οποίο κοινοποιήθηκε η αναγγελία,

β) αναφορικά με τους λοιπούς φόρους, για οικονομικά έτη που αρχίζουν κατά την ή μετά την πρώτη Ιανουαρίου του επομένου ημερολογιακού έτους που ακολουθεί το έτος μέσα στο οποίο κοινοποιήθηκε η αναγγελία καταγγελίας,

Σε απόδειξη των ανωτέρω οι νόμιμα εξουσιοδοτούμενοι και των Συμβαλλομένων Κρατών υπογράφουν την παρούσα Συμφωνία.

Έγινε στην Πόλη του Κουβέιτ την 29η Thu Al-Hijja ημέρα Κυριακή του 1423Η (έτος Εγείρας) που αντιστοιχεί στην 2α Μαρτίου ημέρα Κυριακή του έτους 2003, εις διπλούν, στην Ελληνική, Αραβική και Αγγλική γλώσσα, όλων των κειμένων όντων εξίσου αυθεντικών.

Σε περίπτωση διαφοροποίησης όσον αφορά την ερμηνεία του Ελληνικού και Κουβεϊτιανού κειμένου, υπερίσχυε, το Αγγλικό κείμενο.

Για την Κυβέρνηση της Για την Κυβέρνηση του Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας Κράτους του Κουβέιτ

Ανδρέας Λοβέρδος Abdul Mohsen Yousef Al-Hanif Υφυπουργός Εξωτερικών Υφυπουργός Οικονομικών


between the Hellenic Republic and the State of Kuwait for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital.

The Government of the Hellenic Republic and

The Government of the State of Kuwait

Desiring to promote their mutual economic relations through the conclusion between them of an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital;

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1


This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States.


1. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income and on capital imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or of its political subdivisions or local authorities, irrespective of the manner in which they are levied.

2. There shall be regarded as taxes on income and on capital all taxes imposed on total income, on total capital, or on elements of income or of capital, including taxes on gains from the alienation of movable or immovable property, as well as taxes on capital appreciation.

3. The existing taxes to which the Agreement shall apply are in particular:

In the case of the Hellenic Republic: Λ) the income and capital tax on natural persons; l-qt) he income and capital tax on legal persons; j (hereinafter referred to as "Hellenic tax"). *In the case of Kuwait:

(1) the corporate income tax;

(2) the contribution from the net profits of the Kuwaiti shareholding companies payable to the Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science (KFAS);

(3) theZakat;.

(hereinafter referred to as "Kuwaiti tax").

4. The Agreement shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar

taxes which are imposed under the laws of a Contracting State after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall notify each other of any substantial changes which have been made in their respective taxation laws.


L For the purposes of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

a) the terms "a Contracting State" and "the other Contracting State" mean the Hellenic Republic or Kuwait as the context requires.

b) the term "Hellenic Republic" comprises the territory of the HellenicRepublic and the part of the sea, the sea-bed and its subsoil under the Mediterranean Sea, over which the Hellenic Republic, in accordance with international law, has sovereign rights or jurisdiction for the purpose of exploration, extraction or exploitation of the natural resources of such areas.

c) the term "Kuwait" means the territory of the State of Kuwait including any area beyond the territorial sea which in accordance with international law has been or may hereafter be designated, under the laws of Kuwait, as an area over which Kuwait may exercise sovereign rights or jurisdiction;

d) the term "person" includes an individual, a company and any other body of persons;

e) the term "company" means any body corporate or any entity which is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes;

f) the terms "enterprise of a Contracting State" and "enterprise of the other Contracting State" mean respectively an enterprise carried on by a resident of a Contracting State and an enterprise carried on by a resident of the other Contracting State;

g) the term "national" means

(1) any individual possessing the nationality of a Contracting State;

(2) any legal person, partnership or association deriving its status as such from the laws in force in a Contracting State;

h) ip$term "international traffic" means any transport by a ship or aircraft, lextept when the ship or aircraft is operated solely between places in a

? \ Contracting State;

i) ^y' /ihe term "tax" means Hellenic tax or Kuwaiti tax, as the context requires;

V[) the term "competent authority" means the Minister of Finance or an

authorised representative of the Minister of Finance;

2. As regards the application of the Agreement at any time by a Contracting State, any term not defined therein shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning which it has at that time under the law of that State for the purposes of the taxes to which the Agreement applies, any meaning under the applicable tax laws of that State prevailing over a meaning given to the term under other laws of that State.

Article 4 RESIDENT

1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means:

a) in the case of the Hellenic Republic any person who, under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of management or any other criterion of a similar nature, and also includes that State and any political subdivision or local authority thereof This term, however, does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in respect only of income from sources in that State or capital, situated therein.

b) in the case of Kuwait:

(1) an individual who has his domicile in Kuwait and is a Kuwaiti national, and a company which is incorporated in Kuwait;

(2) that State and any political subdivision or local authority thereof;

(3) any entity established in that Contracting State all the capital of which has been provided by that Contracting State or any political subdivision or local authority thereof or any governmental institution as defined in paragraph 2, together with other states.

2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, a resident of a Contracting State shall include any governmental institution created in that Contracting State under public law.

3. Where by reason of the provisions ofparagraph 1 an individual is a resident of both Contracting States, then his status shall be determined as follows:

a) he shall be deemed to be a resident only of the State in which he has a permanent home available to him; if he has a permanent home available to him in both States, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the State with which his personal and economic relations are closer (centre of vital interests);

b) if the State in which he has his centre of vital interests cannot be determinedr or if he has not a permanent home available to him in either State, he shall

b\ deemed to be a resident only of the State in which he has an habitual jjxode;

c) s/Jwhe has an habitual abode in both States, or in neither of them, he shall be

^>y>Meemed to be a resident of the State of which he is a national; T^jpir if he is a national of both States, or of neither of them, the competent m0'^ authorities of the Contracting States shall settle the question by mutual agreement.

4. Where by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1 a person other than an

individual is a resident of both Contracting States, then it shall be deemed to be a resident of the Contracting State where it was incorporated.

Article 5


1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "permanent establishment" means a fixed place of business through which the business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on.

2. The term "permanent establishment" includes especially:

a) a place of management;

b) a branch;

c) an office;

d) a factory;

e) a workshop, and

f) a mine, an oil or gas well, a quarry or any other place of exploration for, or extraction of or exploitation of natural resources or any activities related thereto.

3. A building site, a construction, assembly or installation project or a supervisory activities in connection therewith carried out in a Contracting State, constitutes a permanent establishment only if such site, project or activities continue for a period of more than six months.

4. The furnishing of services, including consultancy or managerial services, by. an enterprise of a Contracting State through employees or other personnel engaged by the enterprise for such purpose, in the other Contracting State constitutes a permanent establishment only if activities of that nature continue for a period or periods aggregating more than six months within any twelve-month period.

5. An enterprise of a Contracting State shall be deemed to have a permanent establishment in the other Contracting State if substantial technical, mechanical or scientific equipment or machinery is used for more than six months within any twelvemonth period.

6. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article, the term "permanent establishment"shall be deemed not to include:

a) the use of facilities solely for the purpose of storage, display or delivery of goods or merchandise belonging to the enterprise;

b) / the maintenance of a stock of goods or merchandise belonging to the / /■ enterprise solely for the purpose of storage, display or delivery;

c) ■' the maintenance of a stock of goods or merchandise belonging to the

enterprise solely for the purpose ofprocessing by another enterprise;

d) the maintenance of a fixed place of business solely for the purpose of purchasing goods or merchandise, or of collecting information, for the enterprise;

e) the maintenance of a fixed place of business solely for the purpose of carrying on, for the enterprise, any other activity of a preparatory or auxiliary character;

f) the maintenance of a fixed place of business solely for any combination of activities mentioned in subparagraphs a) to e), provided that the overall activity of the fixed place of business resulting from the combination is of a preparatory or auxiliary character.

7. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 where a person -other than an agent of an independent status to whom paragraph 8 applies - is acting on behalf of an enterprise and has, and habitually exersises, in a Contracting State an authority to conclude contracts in the name of the enterprise, that enterprise shall be deemed to have a permanent establishment in that State in respect of any activities which that person undertakes for the enterprise, unless the activities of such person are limited to those mentioned in paragraph 6 which, if exercised through a fixed place of business, would not make this fixed place of business a permanent establishment under the provisions of that paragraph.

8. An enterprise of a Contracting State shall not be deemed to have a permanent establishment in the other Contracting State merely because it carries on business in that other Contracting State through a broker, general commission agent or any Other agent of an independent status, provided that such persons are acting in the ordinary course of their business. However, when the activities of Such an agent are devoted wholly or almost wholly on behalf of that enterprise that person shall not be considered an agent of an independent status within the meaning of this paragraph.

9. The fact that a company which is a. resident of a Contracting State controls or is controlled by a company which is a resident of the other Contracting State, or which carries on business in that other State (whether through a permanent establishment or otherwise), shall not of itself constitute either company a permanent establishment of the other.

Article 6


1. Income derived by a resident of a Contracting State from immovable

property (including income from agriculture or forestry) situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other Contracting State.

2. \The term "immovable property" shall have the meaning which it has under the lavSbf the Contracting State in which the property in question is situated. The term,Jsf[all in,any case include property accessory to immovable property, livestock aifflemLipement used in agriculture and forestry, rights to which the provisions of Sgefl&til law respecting landed property apply, usufruct of immovable property and tUghts to variable or fixed payments as consideration for the working of, or the right to work, mineral deposits, sources and other natural resources; ships, boats and aircraft shall not be regarded as immovable property.

3. The provisions ofparagraph I shall apply to income derived from the direct use, letting, or use in any other form of immovable property.

4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 3 shall also apply to the income from immovable property of an enterprise and to income from immovable property used for the perfomance of independent personal services.


1. The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that State unless the enterprise carries on business in the other Contracting State through a permanent establishment situated in that other Contracting State. If the enterprise carries on or has carried on business in that manner, the profits of the enterprise may. be taxed in the other Contracting State but only so much of them as is attributable to that permanent establishment.

2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, where an enterprise of a Contracting State carries on business in the other Contracting State through a permanent establishment situated therein, there shall in each Contracting State be attributed to that permanent establishment the profits which it might be expected to make if it were a distinct and separate enterprise engaged in the same or similar activities under the same or similar conditions and dealing wholly independently with the enterprise of which it is a permanent establishment.

3. In determining the profits of a permanent establishment, there shall be allowed as deductions those, deductible expences which are incurred for the purposes of the permanent establishment, including executive and general administrative expenses so incurred, whether in the Contracting State in which the permanent establishment is situated or elsewhere. However, no such deduction shall be allowed in respect of amounts, if any, paid (otherwise than towards reimbursement of actual expenses) by the permanent establishment to the head office of the enterprise or any of its other ojfices, by way of royalties, fees or other similar payments in return for the use of patents or other rights, or by way of commission, for specific services performed or for management, or, except in the case of a banking enterprise, by way of interest on moneys lent to the permanent establishment. Likewise, no account shall be taken, in the determination of the profits of a permanent establishment, for amounts charged (otherwise than towards reimbursement of actual expenses), by the


permanent establishment to the head office of the enterprise or any of its other offices, bJ&way of royalties, fees or other similar payments in return for the use of patents) jUm other rights, or by way of commission for specific services performed or for mfJmgement, or, except in the case of a banking enterprise, by way of interest on mopasjfent to the head office or any of its other offices.

4. Insofar as it has been customary in a Contracting State to determine the

profits to be attributed to a permanent establishment on the basis of an apportionment of the total profits of the enterprise to its various parts, nothing in paragraph 2 shall preclude that Contracting State from determining the profits to be taxed by such an apportionment as may be customary; the method of apportionment adopted shall, however, be such that the result shall be in accordance with the principles contained in this Article.

5. No profits shall be attributed to a permanent establishment by reason of the mere purchase by that permanent establishment of goods or merchandise for the enterprise.

6. If the information available to the competent authority of a Contracting State is inadequate to determine the profits to be attributed to the permanent establishment, nothing in this Article shall affect the application of any law or regulations of that Contracting State relating to the determination of the tax liability of that permanent establishment by the competent authority of that Contracting State by making of an estimate of the profits to be attributable to that permanent establishment, provided that such law or regulations shall be applied, taking into account the information available to the competent authority, consistently with the principles of this Article.

7. For the purposes of the preceding paragraphs, the profits to be attributed to the permanent establishment shall be determined by the same method year by year unless there is good and sufficient reason to the contrary.

8. Where profits include items of income which are dealt with separately in other Articles of this Agreement, then the provisions of those Articles shall not be affected by the provisions of this Article.

Article 8


1. Profits derived from the operation of ships engaged in international traffic shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which the ships are registered or by which they are documented.

2. Profits derived from the operation of aircraft in international traffic shati be taxable only in the Contracting State in which the place of effective management of the enterprise is situated.

3. The provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 shall also apply to profits form the participation in a pool, a joint business or an international operating agency.

Article 9


1. Where an enterprise of a Contracting State participates directly or indirectly

in the management, control or capital of an enterprise of the other Contracting State, or the same persons participate directly of indirectly in the management, control or capital of an enterprise of a Contracting State and an enterprise of the other Contracting State, and in either case conditions are made or imposed between the two enterprises in their commercial or financial relations which differ from those which would be made between independent enterprises, then any profits which would, but for those conditions, have accrued to one of the enterprises, but, by reason of those conditions, have not so accrued, may be included in the profits of that enterprises and taxed accordingly.

2i Where a Contracting State includes in the profits of an enterprise of that

State - and taxes accordingly - profits on which an enterprise of the other Contracting State has been charged to tax in that other State and the profits so included are profits which would have accrued to the enterprise of the first -mentioned State if the conditions made between the two enterprises had been those which would have been made between independent enterprises, then that other State shall make an appropriate adjustment to the amount of the tax charged therein on those profits. In determining such adjustment^ due regard shall be had to the other provisions of this Agreement and the compenent authoriries of the Contracting States shall if necessary consult each other.

Article 10 DIVIDENDS

1. Dividends paid by a company which is a resident of a Contracting State to a resident of the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other Contracting State.

2. However, such dividends may also be taxed in the Contracting State of which the company paying the dividends is a resident and according to the laws of that Contracting State, but if the beneficial owner of the dividends is a resident of the other Contracting State, the tax so charged shall not exceed 5% (five per cent) of the gross amount of the dividends.

The provisions of this paragraph shall not affect the taxation of the company in respect of the profits out of which the dividends are paid.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, dividends paid by a company which is a resident of a Contracting State shall not be taxable in that Contracting if the beneficial owner of the dividends is:

~\the other Contracting State, a political subdivision or a local authority of that >tpther Contracting State;

β the Central Bank of the other Contracting State;

other governmental agencies or financial institutions as may be specified and agreed to in an exchange of notes between the competent authorities of the Contracting States.

4. The term "dividends", as used in this Article, means income from shares, "jouissance" shares or "jouissance" rights, mining shares, founders' shares or other rights, not being debt-claims, participating in profits, as well as income from other corporate rights which is subjected to the same taxation treatment as income from shares by the laws of the State of which the company making the distribution is a resident.

5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply if the beneficial owner of the dividends, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other Contracting State of which the company paying the dividends is a resident, through a permanent establishment situated therein, or performs in that other State independent personal services from a fixed base situated therein, and the holding in respect of which the dividends are paid is effectively connected with such permament establishment or fixed base. In such case, the provisions of Article 7 or Article 14, as the case may be, shall apply.

6. Where a company which is a resident of a Contracting State derives, profits or income from the other Contracting State, that other State may not impose any tax on the .dividends paid by the company, except insofar as such dividends are paid to a resident of that other State or insofar as the holding in respect of which the dividends are paid is effectively connected with a permanent establishment or a fixed base situated in that other State, nor subject the company's undistributed profits to a tax on undistributed profits, even if the dividends paid or the undistributed profits consist wholly or partly of profits or income arising in such other State.

Article 11 INTEREST

1. Interest arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other Contracting State.

2. However, such interest may also be taxed in the Contracting State in which it arises and according to the laws of that Contracting State, but if the beneficial owner of the interest is a resident of the other Contracting State, the tax so charged shall not exceed 5% (five per cent) of the gross amount of the interest.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, interest arising in a Contracting State shall not be taxable in that Contracting State if the beneficial owner of the interest is:

a) the other Contracting State, a political subdivision or a local authority of that other Contracting State;


b) \tne Central Bank of the other Contracting State;

c) .\~\other governmental agencies or financial institutions as. may be specified y ^and agreed to in an exchange of notes between the competent authorities of

'"·■'--■■■/ the Contracting States.

4. The term "interest", as used in this Article, means income from debt-claims

of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage, and whether or not carrying a right to participate in the debtor's profits, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures as well as any income that is treated as interest under the taxation law of the Contracting State in which such income arises.

5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply if the beneficial owner of the interest, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other Contracting State in which the interest arises, through a permanent establishment situated therein, or performs in that other State independent personal services from a fixed base situated therein, and the debt-claim.in respect of which the interest is paid is effectively connected with such permanent establishment or fixed base. In such case, the provisions of Article 7 or Article 14, as the case may be, shall apply:

6. Interest shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting State when the payer is a resident of that State. Where, however, the person paying the interest, whether he is a resident of a Contracting State or not, has in a Contracting State a permanent establishment or a fixed base in connection with which the intebtedness on which the interest is paid was incurred, and such interest is borne by such permanent establishment or fixed base, then such interest shall be deemed to arise in the State in which the permanent establishment or fixed base is situated,

7. Where, by reason of a special relationship between the payer and the beneficial owner or between both of them and some other person, the amount of the interest, having regard to the debt-claim for which it is paid, exceeds the amount which would have been agreed upon by the payer and the beneficial owner in the absence ofsuch relationship, the provisions of this Article shall apply only to the last-mentioned amount. In such case, the excess part of the payment shall remain taxabte according4e,,tJ!je laws of each Contracting State, due regard being had to the other provisions of this Agreement.

Article 12 ROYALTIES

1. Royalties arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the other

Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.

'2. However, such royalties may also be taxed in the Contracting State in which

they arise and according to the laws of that State, but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the royalties the tax so charged shall not exceed 15 per cent of the gross

amount of the royalties. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of applications of this limitation.

vJZpie term "royalties", as used in this Article, means payments of any kind recew&was a consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any copyright of liiiiKfagf, artistic or scientific work including cinematograph films and works on films, zs or other means of reproduction for use in connection with television or radio broadcasting, any patent, trade mark, design or model, plan, secret formula or process, or for the use of, or the right to use, industrial, commercial or scientific equipment, or for information concerning industrial, commercial or scientific experience.

4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply if the beneficial owner of the royalties, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other Contracting State in- which the royalties arise, through a permanent establishment situated therein, or performs in that other State independent personal services from a fixed base situated therein, and the right or property in respect of which the royalties are paid is effectively connected with such permanent establishment or fixed base. In such case the provisions of Article 7 or Article 14, as the case may be, shall apply.

5. Royalties shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting State when the payer is a resident of that State. Where, however, the person paying the royalties, whether he is a resident of a Contracting State or not, has in a Contracting State a permanent establishment or a fixed base in connection with which the obligation to pay the royalties was incurred and the royalties are borne by that permanent establishment or fixed base, then such royalties shall be deemed to arise in the State in which the permanent establishment or fixed base is situated.

6. Where, by reason of a special relationship between the payer and the beneficial owner or between both of them and some other person, the amount of the royalties, having regard to the use, right or information for which they are paid, exceeds the amount which would have been agreed upon 'by the payer and the beneficial owner in the absence of such relationship, the provisions of this Article shall apply only to the last-mentioned amount. In such case, the excess part of the payments shall remain taxable according to the laws of each Contracting State, due regard being had to the other provisions of this Agreement.


1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property referred to in Article 6 and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.

2. Gains from the alienation of movable property forming part of the business property of a permanent establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State or of movable property pertaining to a fixed base

available to a resident of a Contracting State in the other Contracting State for the purpose qfyerforming independent personal services, including such gains from the alienatiotjjlffisuch a permanent establishment (alone or with the whole enterprise) or of such fixM* base, may be taxed in that other State.

3. ^J&Oains from the alienation of ships or aircraft operated in international traffic or movable property pertaining to the operation of such ships or aircraft shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which the profits of such ships or aircraft are taxable according to the provisions of Article 8.

4. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a resident.

Article 14


1. Income derived by an individual who is a resident of a Contracting State in respect of professional services or other activities of an independent character shall be taxable only in that State unless he has a fixed base regularly available to him in the other Contracting State for the purpose of performing his activities. If he has or had such a fixed base, the income may be taxed in the other State but only so much of it as is attributable to that fixed base.

2. The term "professional services" includes, especially, independent scientific, literary, artistic, educational or teaching activities as well as the independent activities of physicians, lawyers, engineers, architects, dentists and accountants.

Article 15


1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 16, 18 and 19, salaries, wages and other similar remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of an employment shall be taxable only in that State unless the employment is exercised, in the other Contracting State. If the employment is so exercised,such remuneration as is derived therefrom may be taxed in that other State.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of an employment exercised in the other Contracting State shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned State if:

a) the. recipient is present in the other State for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in a period of twelve months commencing or ending in the fiscal year concerned

b) the remuneration is paid by or on behalf of, an employer who is not a resident of the other State, and

c) r 1; the remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment or a fixed base which the employer has in the other State.

Jp^ Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article, remuneration derived in respect of an employment execised aboard a ship or aircraft operated in international traffic, may be taxed in the Contracting State in which the profits from the operation of the ship or aircraft are taxable according to the provisions of Article 8.

4. Ground staff appointed from head office of national air carrier of a

Contracting State to the other Contracting State shall be exempted from taxes levied on their remunerations in that other Contracting State.

Article 16


Directors' fees and other similar payments derived by a resident of a Contracting State in his capacity as a member of the board of directors or other similar organ of a company which is a resident of the other Contracting State shall be taxable only in the. first-mentioned Contracting State.


1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 14 and 15, income derived by a resident of a Contracting State as an entertainer, such as a theatre, motion picture, radio or television artiste, or a musician,-or as a sportsman, from his personal activities as such exercised in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other State.

2. Where'income in respect of personal activities exercised by an entertainer or a sportsman, in his capacity as such accrues not to the entertainer or sportsman, himself but to another person, that income may, notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 7, 14 and 15, be taxed in the Contracting State in -which the activities of the entertainer or sportsman are exercised.

Article 18


L Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 19, pensions and other similar remuneration paid to an individual who is a resident of a Contracting State in consideration of past employment shall be taxable only in that Contracting State. The terms "pensions and other similar remuneration" as used in this paragraph mean

periodic payments made after retirement in consideration of past employment or by way of compensations for injuries received in connection with past employment.

2. ^fiay'ect to the provisions ofparagraph 2 of Article 19, annuities derived by an infflkimal who is a resident of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that Comrmjpng State. The term "annuities" as used in this paragraph means a stated sum^fayable to an individual periodically at stated times during life, or during a specified or ascertainable period of time, under an obligation to make the payments in return for adequate and full consideration in money or money's worth.


1. a) Salaries, wages and other similar remuneration, other than a pension, paid by a Contracting State or a political subdivision or a local authority thereof to an individual in respect ofservices rendered to that State or subdivision or authority shall be taxable only in that State.

b) However, such salaries, wages and other similar remuneration shall be taxable only in the other Contracting Stflte if the services are rendered in that State and the individual is a resident of that State who either:

(1) is a national of that State;

(2) did not become a resident of that State solely for the purpose of rendering the services.

2. a) Any pension paid by, or out of funds created by, a Contracting State or a political subdivision or a local authority thereof to an individual in respect of services rendered to that State or subdivision or authority shall be taxable only in that State.

b) However, such pension shall be taxable only in the other Contracting State if the individual is a resident of, and a national of, that State.

3. The provisions of Articles 15, 16 and 18 shall apply to remuneration and pensions in respect of services rendered in connection with a business carried on by a Contracting State or a political subdivision or a local authority thereof.


An individual who is or was immediately before visiting a Contracting State a resident of the other Contracting State and who, at the invitation of the Government of the first-mentioned Contracting State or of a university, college, school, museum or other cultural institution in that first-mentioned Contracting State or under an official program of cultural exchange, is present in that Contracting State for a period not exceeding two consecutive years solely for the purpose of teaching, giving lectures or carrying but research at such institution shall be exempt from tax in that Contracting State on his remuneration for such activity.

ΦΕΚ 82


1. Payments which a student or business apprentice who is or was immediately before visiting a Contracting State a resident of the other Contracting State and who is present in the first-mentioned Contracting State solely for the purpose of his-education or training receives for the purpose of his maintenance, education or training shall not be taxed in that State, provided that such payments arise from sources outside that State.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, remuneration which a student or business trainee who is or was immediately before visiting a Contracting State a resident of the other Contracting State and who is present in the first-mentioned Contracting State solely for the purpose of his education or training derives from temporary services rendered in the first-mentioned Contracting State shall not be taxed in that Contracting State, provided that such services are in connection with his education or training and that the remuneration for such services is necessary to supplement the resources available to him for the purpose of his maintenance.


1. Items of income of a resident of a Contracting State, wherever arising, not

dealt with,- in the foregoing Articles of this Agreement shall be taxable only in that State.

2* - The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to income, other than income from immovable property as defined in paragraph 2 of Article 6, if the recipient of such income being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other Contracting State through a permanent establishment situated therein, or performs in that other State independent personal services from a fixed base situated therin, and the right or property in respect of which the income is paid is effectively connected with such permanent establishment or fixed base. In such case the provisions of Article 7 or Article 14, as the case may be, shall apply.

Article 23 CAPITAL

L Capital represented by immovable property referred to in Article 6, owned

by a resident of a Contracting State and situated in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other State.

2\ Capital represented by movable property forming part of-the business jjSmperty of a permanent establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has Mm the other Contracting State or by movable property pertaining to fixed base Mvailqble to a resident of a Contracting State in the other Contracting State for the purpose of performing independent personal services, may be taxed in that other State.

31 Capital represented by ships or aircraft operated in international traffic and

by movable property pertaining to the operation of such ships or aircraft, shall be taxable only in the Contracting State in which the profits from the aforesaid ships or aircraft are taxable according to the provisions of Article 8.

4. All other elements of capital of a resident of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that State.

A rticle 24


1. The laws in force in either of the Contracting States shall continue to govern the taxation in the respective Contracting State except where provisions to the contrary are made in this Agreement.

2. It is agreed that double taxation shall be avoided in accordance with the following paragraphs of this Article:

a) In the case of the Hellenic Republic:

Where a resident of the Hellenic Republic derives income or owns capital which, in accordance with this Agreement, may be taxed in Kuwait, the Hellenic Republic shall allow as a deduction from the taxon the income of that resident, an amount^q^glto the income tax paid thereon in Kuwait, and as a deduction from the tax on the capital of that resident, an amount equal to the capital tax paid thereon in Kuwait.

Such deduction in either case shall not, however, exceed that part of the income or capital tax in the Hellenic Republic, as computed before the deduction is given, which is attributable, as the case may be, to the income or the capital which may be taxed in Kuwait.

b) In the case of Kuwait:

Where a resident of Kuwait derives income or owns capital 'which, in accordance with this Agreement, may be taxed in both Hellenic Republic and Kuwait, Kuwait shall allow as a deduction from the tax on the income of that resident, an amount equal to the income tax paid in the Hellenic Republic; and as a deduction from the tax on the-capital of that resident, an amount equal to the capital tax paid in the Hellenic Republic.

Such deduction in either case shall not, however, exceed that part of the tax on income or on capital, as computed before the deduction is given, which is

attributable, as the case may be, to the income or the capital which may be taxed in the Hellenic Republic.

pfi^/ For the purposes of allowance as a credit in a Contracting State, the tax $fcid in the other Contracting State shall include the tax which is otherwise payable in that other Contracting State, but has been waived or reduced in accordance with the special investment incentive law or measures designed to promote economic development in that other Contracting State.


1. "Nationals of a Contracting State shall not be subjected in the other Contracting State to any taxation or any requirement connected therewith, which is other or more burdensome than the taxation and connected requirements to which nationals of that other Contracting State in the same circumstances are or may be subjected. This provision shall, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1, also apply to persons who are not residents of one or both of the Contracting States.

2. The taxation on a permanent establishment which an enterprise of a Contracting State has in the other Contracting State shall not be less favourably levied in that other Contracting State than the taxation levied on enterprises of that other Contracting State carrying on the same activities. The provisions shall not be construed as obliging a Contracting State to grant to residents of the other Contracting State any personal allowances, reliefs and reductions for taxation purposes on account of civil status or family responsibilities which it grants to its own residents.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 nothing in this Article shall affect the right of either Contracting State to grant an exemption or reduction of taxation in accordance with its domestic laws, regulations or administrative practices to its own nationals who are residents of that other Contracting State. Such exemption or reduction, however, shall not apply in respect of such proportion of the capital of companies owned by persons who are nationals of the other Contracting State. '

4. Nothing in this Article shall be construed as imposing a legal obligation on a Contracting State to extend to the residents of the other Contracting State, the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege which may be accorded to any other state or its residents by virtue of the formation of a customs union, economic union, special. agreements, a free trade area or by virtue of any regional or subregional arrangement relating wholly or mainly to movement of capital and/or taxation to which the first-mentioned Contracting State may be a party.

5. In this Article, the term "taxation" means taxes which are the subject of this Agreement.

Article 26


1. λ/' Where a person considers thai the actions of one or both of the Contracting Statesfyesult or will result for him in taxation not in accordance with this Convention, it&lnay, irrespective of the remedies provided by the domestic law of those States, present his case to the competent authority of the Contracting State of which he is a resident or, if his case comes under paragraph 1 of Article 25, to that of the Contracting State of which he is a national. The case must be presented within three years from the first notification of the action resulting in taxation not in accordance with the provisions of the Convention.

2. The competent authority shall endeavour, if the objection appears to it to be justified and if it is not itself able to arrive at a satisfactory solution, to resolve the case by mutual agreement with the competent authority of the other Contracting State, with a view to the avoidance of taxation which is not in accordance with the Convention. Any agreement reached shall be implemented notwithstanding any time limits in the domestic law of the Contracting States.

3. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall endeavour to resolve by mutual agreement any difficulties of doubts arising as to the interpretation or application of the Convention. They may also consult together for the elimination of double taxation in cases not provided for in the Convention.

4. The competent authorities of the Contracting States may communicate with each other directly, including through a joint commission consisting of themselves or their representatives, for the purpose of reaching and agreement in the sense of the preceding paragraphs.


1. The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall exchange such information as is necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Agreement or of the domestic laws of the Contracting States concerning taxes covered by the Agreement insofar as the taxation thereunder is not contrary to the Agreement. The exchange of information is not restricted by Article 1. Any information received by a Contracting State shall be treated as secret in the same manner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that State and shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) involved in the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to, the taxes covered by the Agreement. Such persons or authorities shall use the information only for such purposes, hey may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions.

2. In no case shall the provisions of paragraph 1 be construed so as to impose on a Contracting States the obligation:

α) ίο cahy out administrative measures at variance with the laws and admiwktrative practice of that or of the other Contracting State;

b) to migjly information which is not obtainable under the laws or in the nmvml course of the administration of that or of the other Contracting State;

c) ifampply information which would disclose any trade, business, industrial, "^commercial or professional secret or trade process, or information, the

disclosure of which would be contrary to public policy (ordre public).


1. The provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed to restrict in any manner any exclusion, exemption, deduction, credit or other allowance now or hereafter accorded by the laws of a Contracting State in the determination of the tax imposed by that Contracting State.

2. The competent authorities of each Contracting State may prescribe regulations in order to carry out the provisions of this Agreement.



Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the fiscal privileges of members of diplomatic missions or consular posts under the general rules of international law or under the provisions of special agreements.

Article SO


Each, of the Contracting States shall notify to the other the completion of its constitutional procedures for the entry into force of this Agreement. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the later of these notifications and its provisions shall thereupon have effect in both Contracting States:

a) in respect of taxes withheld at source, for amounts paid or credited on or after the first day of January of the calendar year next following that in which the Agreement enters into force;

b) in respect of other taxes, for taxable periods beginning on or after the first day of January of the calendar year next following that in which the Agreement enters into force.

Article 31


This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of ten years and shall remain in force until terminated by a Contracting State. Either Contracting State may terminate the Agreement, through diplomatic channels, by giving -notice of termination at least six months before the end of any calendar year. In such event, the Agreement shall cease to have effect:

a) in respect of taxes withheld at source, for amounts paid or credited on or after the first day of January of the calendar year next following that in which the notice is given;

b) in respect of other taxes, for taxable periods beginning on or after the first day of January of the calendar year next following that in which the notice of termination is given.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the respective plenipotentiaries of both Contracting States have signed this Agreement.

Done at 29 Thu Al-Hijja, Sunday, of the year 1423H., corresponding to March 2™*, Sunday, of the year 2003, in two originals, in the Greek, Arabic and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergency, the English text shall prevail.

For the Government of the Hellenic Republic

For the Government of the State of Kuwait

Andreas Loverdos Abdul Mohsen Youssef Al-Hanif

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance

Άρθρο δεύτερο

Η ισχύς του παρόντος νόμου αρχίζει από τη δημοσίευσή του στην Εφημερίδα της Κυβερνήσεως και της Συμφωνίας που κυρώνεται από την πλήρωση των προϋποθέσεων του άρθρου 30 αυτής.

Παραγγέλλομε τη δημοσίευση του παρόντος στην Εφημερίδα της Κυβερνήσεως και την εκτέλεσή του ως νόμου του Κράτους.

Αθήνα, 4 Απριλίου 2005





















Θεωρήθηκε και τέθηκε η Μεγάλη Σφραγίδα του Κράτους. Αθήνα, 5 Απριλίου 2005




ΚΑΠΟΔΙΣΤΡΙΟΥ 34 * ΑΘΗΝΑ 104 32 * FAX 210 52 21 004 ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ: http: www.et.gr - e-mail: webmaster @ et.gr

Πληροφορίες Α.Ε. - Ε.Π.Ε. και λοιπών Φ.Ε.Κ.: 210 527 9000 Φωτοαντίγραφα παλαιών ΦΕΚ - ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ - ΜΑΡΝΗ 8 - Τηλ. (210)8220885 - 8222924 Δωρεάν διάθεση τεύχους Προκηρύξεων ΑΣΕΠ αποκλειστικά από Μάρνη 8 & Περιφερειακά Γραφεία


ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - Βασ. Όλγας 227 ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ - Ευριπίδου 63 ΠΑΤΡΑ - Κορίνθου 327

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(2310) 423 956 (210) 413 5228 (2610) 638 109 (2610) 638 110

(26510) 87215

(25310) 22 858

ΛΑΡΙΣΑ - Διοικητήριο ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ - Σαμαρά 13

ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ - Πεδιάδος 2

ΛΕΣΒΟΣ - Πλ.Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 1

(2410)597449 (26610) 89 122 (26610) 89 105 (2810) 300 781 (22510) 46 654 (22510) 47 533


Σε έντυπη μορφή:

• Για τα ΦΕΚ από 1 μέχρι 16 σελίδες σε 1 euro, προσαυξανόμενη κατά 0,20 euro για κάθε επιπλέον οκτασέλιδο ή μέρος αυτού.

• Για τα φωτοαντίγραφα ΦΕΚ σε 0,15 euro ανά σελίδα. Σε μορφή CD:







Αναπτυξιακών Πράξεων









Εμπορικής και Βιομηχανικής Ιδιοκτησίας Ετήσιο


Ανωτάτου Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου



Διακηρύξεων Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων



Διακηρύξεων Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων



Α.Ε. & Ε.Π.Ε



• Η τιμή πώλησης μεμονωμένων Φ.Ε.Κ ειδικού ενδιαφέροντος σε μορφή cd-rom και μέχρι 100 σελίδες σε 5 euro προσαυξανόμενη κατά 1 euro ανά 50 σελίδες.

• Η τιμή πώλησης σε μορφή cd-rom δημοσιευμάτων μιας εταιρείας στο τεύχος Α.Ε. και Ε.Π.Ε. σε 5 euro ανά έτος. ΠΑΡΑΓΓΕΛΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ Φ.Ε.Κ. : τηλεφωνικά : 210 - 4071010, fax : 210 - 4071010 internet : http://www.et.gr.


Σε έντυπη μορφή

Από το Internet

Α' (Νόμοι, Π.Δ., Συμβάσεις κτλ.)

225 €

190 €

Β' (Υπουργικές αποφάσεις κτλ.)

320 €

225 €

Γ (Διορισμοί, απολύσεις κτλ. Δημ. Υπαλλήλων)

65 €


Δ' (Απαλλοτριώσεις, πολεοδομία κτλ.)

320 €

160 €

Αναπτυξιακών Πράξεων και Συμβάσεων (Τ.Α.Π.Σ.)

160 €

95 €

Ν.Π.Δ.Δ. (Διορισμοί κτλ. προσωπικού Ν.Π.Δ.Δ.)

65 €


Παράρτημα (Προκηρύξεις θέσεων ΔΕΠ κτλ.)

33 €


Δελτίο Εμπορικής και Βιομ/κής Ιδιοκτησίας (Δ.Ε.Β.Ι.)

65 €

33 €

Ανωτάτου Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου (Α.Ε.Δ.)

10 €


Ανωνύμων Εταιρειών & Ε.Π.Ε.

2.250 €

645 €

Διακηρύξεων Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων (Δ.Δ.Σ.)

225 €

95 €

Πρώτο (Α'), Δεύτερο (Β') και Τέταρτο (Δ')


450 €

• Το τεύχος του ΑΣΕΠ (έντυπη μορφή) θα αποστέλλεται σε συνδρομητές με την επιβάρυνση των 70 euro, ποσό το οποίο αφορά

ταχυδρομικά έξοδα.

• Για την παροχή δικαιώματος ηλεκτρονικής πρόσβασης σε Φ.Ε.Κ. προηγουμένων ετών και συγκεκριμένα στα τεύχη Α', Β', Δ', Αναπτυ-

ξιακών Πράξεων & Συμβάσεων, Δελτίο Εμπορικής και Βιομηχανικής Ιδιοκτησίας και Διακηρύξεων Δημοσίων Συμβάσεων, η τιμή

προσαυξάνεται πέραν του ποσού της ετήσιας συνδρομής έτους 2005, κατά 25 euro ανά έτος παλαιότητας και ανά τεύχος, για δε το

τεύχος Α.Ε. & Ε.Π.Ε., κατά 30 euro.

* Οι συνδρομές του εσωτερικού προπληρώνονται στις ΔΟΥ (το ποσό συνδρομής καταβάλλεται στον κωδικό αριθμό εσόδων ΚΑΕ 2531 και το ποσό υπέρ ΤΑΠΕΤ (5% του ποσού της συνδρομής) στον κωδικό αριθμό εσόδων ΚΑΕ 3512).Το πρωτότυπο αποδεικτικό είσπραξης (διπλότυπο) θα πρέπει να αποστέλλεται ή να κατατίθεται στην αρμόδια Υπηρεσία του Εθνικού Τυπογραφείου.

* Η πληρωμή του υπέρ ΤΑΠΕΤ ποσοστού που αντιστοιχεί σε συνδρομές, εισπράττεται και από τις ΔΟΥ.

* Οι συνδρομητές του εξωτερικού έχουν τη δυνατότητα λήψης των δημοσιευμάτων μέσω internet, με την καταβολή των αντίστοιχων ποσών συνδρομής και ΤΑΠΕτ .

* Οι Νομαρχιακές Αυτοδιοικήσεις, οι Δήμοι, οι Κοινότητες ως και οι επιχειρήσεις αυτών πληρώνουν το μισό χρηματικό ποσό της συνδρομής και ολόκληρο το ποσό υπέρ του ΤΑΠΕΤ.

* Η συνδρομή ισχύει για ένα ημερολογιακό έτος. Δεν εγγράφονται συνδρομητές για μικρότερο χρονικό διάστημα.

* Η εγγραφή ή ανανέωση της συνδρομής πραγματοποιείται το αργότερο μέχρι την 31ην Δεκεμβρίου κάθε έτους.

* Αντίγραφα διπλοτύπων, ταχυδρομικές επιταγές και χρηματικά γραμμάτια δεν γίνονται δεκτά._

Οι υπηρεσίες εξυπηρέτησης των πολιτών λειτουργούν καθημερινά από 08.00' έως 13.00'


Κλινικές δοκιμές φαρμάκων - Συμβάσεις ευθύνη και ειδικά ζητήματα Αστικού Δικαίου


Κλινικές δοκιμές φαρμάκων - Συμβάσεις ευθύνη και ειδικά ζητήματα Αστικού Δικαίου

Η ευθύνη του εκχωρητή απαίτησης κατά τα άρθρα 467-468 ΑΚ


